How to use the curve pen tool | Blender 3.4

In this tutorial I will show you how to use Blender’s new curve pen tool to make a clay pot quickly and easily.

Curve Pen Tool

Beginning in Blender 3.2 there is a new curve pen tool available

This tool allows you to construct and edit curves rapidly

In order to use the pen tool, I need to add a curve to my scene

In edit mode, I delete all of the vertices and choose the curve pen tool

When I click in the viewport, I now see a new vertex

I can continue to click and add new segments

If I click and then immediately drag my mouse, I can form a curve – this will be familiar to anyone who has worked with software like Photoshop or Illustrator

When I’m finished with my shape, I can click on the first vertex and close the shape

If I want to curve an area between any vertices, I simply hold down my left-mouse-button and drag the curve in any direction

I still have the same options of scaling, rotating, and manipulating the handles of the vertices just like a regular curve

I also have the same geometry and other options just like any other curve

In object mode, I can also convert the curve to a mesh and further manipulate it

Clay Pot

I will now use this curve pen tool to quickly make a clay pot

I will bring in a reference image of a clay pot

I will move the reference image into position and add a curve

In edit mode, I delete the curve vertices and select the curve pen tool

I then start from the top-center of the clay pot and follow the reference as closely as possible

If you’ve ever used the pen tool in Photoshop or Inkscape, this will be very familiar to you

I will only make one-half of the clay pot because I will use the spin tool to complete it

Under the object data properties tab, I lower the resolution preview to 4 – this means there will be fewer vertices when I convert it to a mesh

In object mode, I convert the curve to a mesh

In edit mode, I make sure I have everything selected

With the spin tool, selected, I spin the mesh around the Z-Axis to complete the clay pot

I make sure not to overlap the beginning and ending vertices

I select the two edges of the gap and bridge the edge loops

I then add a single edge loop in the center and then dissolve the two outer edge loops

Using the M-key, I merge everything by distance to remove any doubles

Under the overlays menu, I check to make sure the normals are facing the correct direction

If they are red, they need to be flipped using ALT + N

In object mode, I use CTRL + A to apply all of the transforms

In edit mode, I select the top inner faces and using E + S, I scale them inward to add some thickness to the rim

I then extrude it down along the Z-Axis to form the inner part of the clay pot

In object mode, I will shade auto smooth

If I see any odd issues with the mesh, I will dissolve some of the loop cuts that are causing some pinching

I also add a subdivision surface modifier

UV Unwrap

I split the viewport and open the UV editor and the shader editor

In edit mode, I select a center vertical edge loop, the outer top edge loop and the bottom edge loop and mark the seams

I then use the U-key to unwrap the clay jar

Using CTRL + Spacebar, I focus on the UV editor

I select a relatively square face and in vertex select mode, I select the top two vertices and use S + Y + Zero to flatten the edge along the Y-Axis

I repeat this for the bottom two vertices

For the two vertical vertices, I scale along the X-Axis

I repeat this process for the other vertical vertices

I then select the face and then use the L-key to select the rest of the island

I then right-click and choose “follow active quads” – this will now give me a straight UV

I repeat this process for the other curved island

After moving and scaling the islands, I use CTRL + Spacebar to return to the regular workspace


The material I’ll be using is from Ambient CG

Also, if you are following along, make sure you have the node wrangler add-on activated

I make sure I am in material preview so I can see my materials

I make a new material for the clay pot

I select the principled shader and using CTRL + SHIFT + T, I open the texture maps and make any changes as needed                

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