How to export the UE5 mannequin into Blender 3.5

In this tutorial I will show you how to export the UE5 mannequin and bring it into Blender to be used for scaling your objects.


I will start with a third-person UE5 project

IN UE5, we have access to four different mannequins

The UE4 mannequin is available in the Content folder – in the characters folder

Open the Mannequin UE4 folder and then the meshes folder and choose “SK Mannequin”

The UE5 mannequins are in the content folder – in the characters folder

Open the mannequin folder and then the meshes folder

You have four options that you can use – SKM Manny, SKM Manny Simple, SKM Quinn, and SKM Quinn Simple

It is important that you do not use the SK mannequin skeleton

To export the mannequin, right-click on the mannequin in the content browser

Then go to asset actions and export

I will use the default FBX exporter and disable everything else


In Blender, to bring the FBX I downloaded from UE5 into Blender, go to File > Import FBX

I then select the root and use ALT + P to clear the parent of the bones and the object

I can then delete the root

I can now scale the mannequin to the proper size – I’ll scale him down to 6 feet


I can now use the mannequin to properly scale other objects

For example, I can make a doorway that will be the proper size for this character

I will make a simple wall

Then, I add a cube that I will scale to the proper size according to the mannequin – this will be the door

I then use the cube and a Boolean with the wall and cut out the doorway

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