Quick Start Guide for Niagara VFX – Getting Started | Unreal Engine 5

In part two of this tutorial series, I will show you how to quickly get started using Niagara for VFX in UE5.

Niagara Overview

Niagara is Unreal Engine’s VFX system

There are four components that make up a Niagara VFX system

The System is a container for everything that is needed to build an effect

Modifying system-level behaviors will modify everything contained within that effect

Emitters are where particles are generated from within the Niagara system

Emitters are used to control how particles are born, what happens as the particles age, and how the particles actually look and behave

Emitters are organized into stacks that contain groups where modules are used to complete tasks

In Niagara, Modules are the basic building blocks

Modules are added to the stacks of the Emitters where they are then processed (from top to bottom)

Parameters are the abstraction of the data from a Niagara simulation

Parameter types are assigned to the parameter to define the data represented by that parameter

Exploring the Emitter

The first emitter we will learn is using a template

Right click in the Content Browser and create a new folder for your Niagara system

In the new folder, right-click and choose the FX menu and then Niagara System

Select create an empty system

Rename the new Niagara system and double-click to open it

Go ahead and dock this window

Right-click and add an emitter

Under the templates tab, choose fountain

The emitter options are color-coded red and anything related to the particle options is color-coded green

We have multiple options to change the emitter

If we click on the spawn rate option, we can control the rate at which the particles will spawn

We can make these changes to this parameter in the selection tab

Lower numbers mean a slower spawn rate and higher numbers mean a faster spawn rate

If we choose the particle state for the emitter, we can change when the particles will disappear at the end of their lifetime

We can choose initialize particles which allows us to change multiple particle parameters

For instance, we can change the sprite size and rotation

Creating a Unique Particle

Niagara System & Emitter

In the Niagara folder, right-click and choose the FX menu and then Niagara System

Select create an empty system

Rename the new Niagara system and double-click to open it

Right-click and add an emitter

Under the templates tab, choose fountain

Particle Material

To make our own unique particle, we need to start with a material

In the content browser, right-Click and add a new materials folder

Right-click in the new folder and choose material from the menu

Give your material a name

Double-click on the material to open it

Choose the plane primitive option since we will be working with a 2D material

Change the blend mode from opaque to translucent – this will allow us to use a transparent material (in this case, the black background of the texture)

Change the shading model to unlit – this means that Unreal will only use an emissive color

I will be using Magic02 from Kenney’s Particle Pack – link is in the description

Back in the content browser, right-click and make a new folder – renaming it

Drag-and-drop your texture into the folder

Open the material window and right-click in the graph and search for particle color

Hold down the T-key and left-click to add a texture sample node

Go back to your content browser and select your texture

Back in the material, click on the use selected asset arrow

To add a multiply node, hold down the M-key and left-click in the graph – this will allow us to mix the particle color and the texture sample together

Connect the RGB pin of the particle color node to the emissive color of the material node

Connect the RGBA pin (alpha) to the top pin of the multiply node

Connect the Red pin of the texture sample node to the bottom pin of the multiply node – it doesn’t really matter if you use Red, Green, or Blue because the texture is black-and-white

Connect the pin from the multiply node to the opacity of the material node

Click on apply and save to save the material

Creating Particles

Go back to the particles window

On the emitter node, select sprite renderer – this is used to define the particles as 2D sprites based on our material

Click on the browse icon for the material and select the material

Back in the particle window, click on the use selected asset for the material [arrow]

04. Particle Animation

If you don’t want gravity to affect the particles, uncheck gravity on the emitter node

To allow the particles to move in multiple directions, choose add velocity on the emitter node

Change the velocity mode to from point – this means that velocity is added from an arbitrary point in space with a falloff

We can also change the velocity’s speed – a low range will allow the particles to still move but stay in a relatively small area

Particle Color

Scale color will allow us to fade the material in on a more gradual level

You can work with the graph if you wish but for color, it is easier to change the scale mode to RGBA linear color curve – this allows us to control the color of the material over time

The bottom color stops affect the alpha

In order to have the color at its fullest only in the center (and fading at the beginning and end) we need to change the alpha color stops

Left-click and move the left color alpha stop to the right – placing it toward the center

Add a new alpha color stop on the left by left-clicking under the color bar

Double-click on the new alpha color stop and change the opacity to zero

Now we can change the color of the material

Double-click on the top-left color stop and change the color

If you only want one color, copy the hex color and paste it on the right color stop

If you want multiple colors, you can change the right color stop to a new color

You can also add more color by left-clicking between the two color stops to add more color stops

Particle Scale

To change the size of the particle, click on particle update and search for size

Choose scale sprite size to add a module to the emitter node

You can now use the graph to change the size of the particle over time

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