How to make an opacity map and a subsurface scattering map | GIMP

In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a subsurface scattering map and opacity map for your foliage project.

Texture Preparation

This was a requested tutorial

The leaf image I am using is from Ambient CG

Even though this download comes with the transparent background, I will show you how to remove the background in GIMP in case you use another leaf texture

For this tutorial, we will only be using the left-side of the image

Select the Crop tool and drag a selection around the left-side of the image

When you hit “Enter” you will now have the image we need

Right-click on the layer and select “Add Alpha Channel”

Select the Fuzzy Select tool

Click on the black background

Go to Edit > Cut and remove the background

Deselect everything by going to Select > None

Opacity Map

Right-click on the layer and duplicate it – this will be our opacity map

Hide the original layer

Select the Fuzzy Select tool and under the options, turn on everything except “draw mask”

Select the entire leaf

Right-click on the layer and add a layer mask

Leave the option on “selection” and click on “add”

Create a new layer

Select the layer mask and use CTRL + C to copy it

Select the new layer and use CTRL + V to paste the layer mask onto the layer

Anchor the floating layer

Add a new layer below the opacity map layer

Use the bucket fill tool and fill the new layer with black

Make sure only these two layers are visible

Right-click on the layer and choose “merge visible layers”

Rename the layer to “opacity” and export it as a JPG

Subsurface Scattering Map

Hide all the layers except the original leaf layer

Duplicate the leaf and hide the original one

Add a new layer beneath the duplicate layer

Use the Color Picker tool and select a midtone green from the leaf

Use the Bucket Fill tool and fill the new background layer with this green color

Make sure only these two layers are visible

Right-click on the layer and choose “merge visible layers”

Select the merged layer and go to Colors > Desaturate > Desaturate

Change the mode to “average” and click OK

Go to Colors > Levels

Adjust the color stops to your liking

Click on OK

Rename the layer to “subsurface” and export it as a JPG

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