Quick Start Guide for Landscapes – Getting Started | Unreal Engine 5

In part five of this tutorial series, I will show you how to quickly get started using the landscape tool and foliage tool in UE5.

Landscape Mode

According to Unreal Engine, the Landscape tool is used “to create immersive outdoor terrain pieces that are optimized to maintain playable frame rates across a multitude of different devices.”

I’ve already downloaded the textures I will be using in this tutorial

If you do not know how to do this, see my Getting Started in Unreal Engine tutorial

In the content browser, I added a new folder for my landscape

In this folder, I added a levels folder, textures folder, and materials folder

To begin making a landscape in Unreal, you need to first open the landscape mode – located under the select mode menu

There are three tabs that can be used in landscape mode – manage, sculpt, and paint

The manage tab allows you to create and modify landscapes

The sculpt tab allows you to raise and lower the height of the landscape

The paint tab allows you to add materials to the landscape

From the new landscape option, you can quickly create a new landscape from scratch

In the level viewport you will see a preview of the new landscape

You can add a material at this point but we will be doing that separately in this tutorial

You can also move, rotate, and scale the landscape just like any other actor in Unreal

Section size refers to the number of sections in each component – in this case, that would be 63

Sections per component refers to the number of sections within each component – this can be 1×1 or 2×2

Number of components refers to the green squares – in this case, 64 components because we have an 8×8 grid – this defines the size of the landscape

Overall resolution is the resolution of the landscape – meaning how jagged or how smooth the landscape will be

Total components refers to the total number of components

List of recommended landscape sizes

Once you have all of your values set, click on “create” to create the new landscape

Save this level in your levels folder


Notice that once you create the landscape, you are automatically taken to the sculpt tab

The sculpt tool “enables you to raise and lower the height of the Landscape heightmap in the shape of the currently selected brush and falloff”

In the layers panel, you now have a height map layer

Brush type allows you to define the shape of an area of the landscape

Brush Falloff determines how hard or soft the brush will be and the definition of the landscape

The tool strength determines how much effect each brush stroke has – this is especially relevant for people using a pen tablet with pressure sensitivity

Brush size is the size of the brush – including the falloff

Brush falloff determines how hard or soft the brush will be

Clay brush gives you the option to sculpt more organic landscapes

Painting with the LMB will give you a raised landscape

Painting with the SHIFT + LMB will give you a lowered landscape

You should change the brush settings as you sculpt to make the landscape more organic

Importing Height Map

Let’s explore a less manual way of making a landscape

Make a new basic level and save it in your levels folder

To use this second method to make a landscape in Unreal, you will need a height map

I have already made a tutorial showing you how to use NASA data to make your own height maps

There are also free and paid height maps available – I will be using a free height map from Motion Forge Pictures

Instead of creating a landscape from scratch, we have the option to import a height map file and use it for our landscape

Once you click on the “import from file” button, you can open your height map

You will now have the same options that you had previously

Make sure to check your resolution – it should match the recommended scale from Unreal (again, the link to the documentation is in the description)

I can see there is stretching along the outer edges if I use the default resolution

I will reimport this map and change the resolution

For me, I will be using a Section Size of 15×15, Sections Per Component will be 1×1, and Number of Components will be 5×5

Then click on the “Import” button

I then save this Level

Making the Landscape Material

I have already downloaded textures from Quixel Bridge that I will be using for this tutorial

Again, If you do not know how to do this, see my Getting Started in Unreal Engine tutorial

We will be using landscape specific materials for more control over the textures which allows us to paint with layers

Under your landscape folder, open the material folder

Right-click and add a material and rename it

Double-click to open the new material

In the content browser, open your first set of textures you downloaded from Quixel

Select the textures and drag-and-drop them onto the material graph using your LMB

Select these three textures and under the details panel, change the sampler source to “Shared: Wrap” so we can use multiple textures within the material

Right-click and search for material attributes – selecting “make material attributes”

This node “allows you to define any of the standard Material attributes found on the Main Material Node, bundle them together, and pass them along through a single output”

Connect the base color texture to the base color of the material attribute

Connect the normal map to the normal of the material attribute

Connect the red channel of the mask to the ambient occlusion of the material attribute

Connect the green channel of the mask to the roughness of the material attribute

Adding texture coordinates will allow us to control the tiling of the textures

Right-click and search for texture coordinate – this will allow us to use different UV channels for tiling

Press the M-key and left-click to add a multiply node – this allows us to change the tiling of the textures

Press 1 and left-click to add a vector 1 node – this provides us with one vector (tiling)

Right-click on the vector 1 node and convert it to a parameter – this is what will allow us to change the tiling without changing the actual material nodes

Rename the node to “tiling”

Connect the texture coordinate node to pin A of the multiply node

Connect the tiling parameter node to pin B of the multiply node

Connect the multiply node to each of the UV pins of the textures

Apply and save the material

Save the project       


Select the textures and the material attributes nodes and copy and paste them with CTRL + C and CTRL + V

Select the base color node

In the content browser, open the second material and select the base color texture

In the material window, click on the “Use Selected Content” icon

Repeat this process for the other textures

Apply and save the material

Save the project

Repeat this process for the third material

Connect the multiply node to each of the new textures

Apply and save the material

Save the project

Select the four nodes for each texture and use the C-key to add a comment

Change the name for each texture

Apply and save the material

We need to add a layer blend node so we can blend the multiple textures together

Right-click and search for landscape layer blend

With it selected, in the details panel, we need to add three layers – one for each material

Twirl open each index and rename the layer

Connect each of the material attributes to each pin of the landscape layer blend node

Deselect the nodes and in the details panel, activate “Use Material Attributes” so we can connect the landscape layer blend to the material

This will simplify the original material node

Connect the landscape layer blend to the material attributes node

Apply and save the material

Save the project

Using the Landscape Material

Back on the landscape, in the content browser, find your material

Right-click on it to make a material instance

A material instance “is used to change the appearance of a Material without incurring an expensive recompilation of the Material”

Select the landscape in the outliner

Under the details panel, look for “Landscape Material” and open the material instance you just made

Under the paint tab of the landscape mode you will see the three layers you just made

In order for Unreal to “see” the layers, click on the plus button, choose “Weight-Blended Layer” and save the layer – you can just use the default folder Unreal suggests

Now you can select a layer and begin to paint on the landscape

To change the tiling, open the material instance from the content browser

Double-click it to open it and activate the tiling option (this is the parameter that we made with the blueprints)

Now you can change the number to change the size of the tiling [0.3]

Don’t forget to save the Material Instance

You can now choose each of the layers and paint the materials on the landscape

Importing Foliage

I have already imported foliage and other items into this project from Quixel Megascans and the Unreal Marketplace

Again, If you do not know how to do this, see my Getting Started in Unreal Engine tutorial

Working with Foliage

Open the foliage mode

For now, we will leave the options at their defaults

Please note that the foliage mode only works if you already have a landscape in the level

Select a tree and drag-and-drop it into the mesh list

You will know you have an asset selected by hovering over it and seeing a checkmark

You will now see even more options for this tree

In paint mode, if you hold down the LMB, you can paint the foliage onto the landscape

The brush size controls the size of your brush which determines how much of the landscape you can cover at once

The paint density determines how dense the foliage will be when you paint

Erase density is how much density of the foliage is left behind when you erase (this is done by holding the SHIFT key and using the LMB)

Single instance mode allows you to paint a single foliage instance where your cursor is located

Place in current level will place instances of the foliage in the current level

In the foliage settings, you have access to a bunch of different settings – we’ll only discuss a couple in this tutorial

You have access to the density just like we’ve already discussed

The scale x allows you to set a minimum and maximum size for the foliage – this means that each piece of foliage you paint will be slightly different

The random yaw means that our foliage has varied rotation

We can actually paint multiple assets at once

I will add a grass clump to the mesh list

If I select the grass, I can change the parameters for the grass

I can now select both assets and paint on the landscape

Try using your other assets and fill out your landscape

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