In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a procedural lava material using the shader nodes in Blender for your project.
I will be using a simple sphere I made
Add a new material for the lava
Add a Mix Shader between the Principled Shader and the Material Output
Add an Emission Shader and connect it to the bottom input of the Mix Shader
Change the Color of the Emission shader to a deep red [#FF5B3F]
Increase the Strength of the Emission shader
Add a Noise Texture and a Color Ramp
Connect the Color output of the Noise Texture to the Color Ramp
Connect the Color output of the Color Ramp to the Factor of the Mix Shader
Move the Black Color Stop to the right to reveal the lava
Change the Scale, Detail, and Roughness of the Noise Texture
Under the Render Properties tab, activate Bloom