This video shows how to create a 3D model using Blender 4.1. You will learn how to model, UV unwrap, and texture a barrel using Blender 3D. The final render was done in Blender 4.1.
I will begin by using a cylinder
I set the origin to the 3D cursor
I rescale the cylinder to resemble a real-world scale of a metal 55-gallon drum – that is, 34 inches tall and 23 inches in circumference
In edit mode, I add four horizontal edge loops
I move the top and bottom edge loops toward the top and bottom of the cylinder
I then space the other two edge loops out in the center of the cylinder
I add a bevel to these two edge loops to match the size of the top and bottom faces
I select all four face loops and scale them out along their normals
I select the outer edge rings of these extruded faces and add a small bevel
I inset the top face and extrude it down along the Z-Axis
I add the same bevel to the new interior edge
I add a new edge loop close to the inset faces
I add horizontal edges between each of the extruded sections and move them close to the edges of the extrusions
This will keep those areas sharp
In object mode, I shade the barrel smooth
I add a weighted normal modifier to clean up the shading issues and apply it
I add a new cylinder, scale it down, and move it to the top of the barrel
I move it to the front of the barrel and make sure it intersects with the top of the barrel
I select the barrel and add a Boolean modifier with the operation being difference and the object being the smaller cylinder
I apply the modifier and hide the smaller cylinder
In edit mode, I delete the internal face
I select the edge ring and add a small bevel
I add another weighted normal modifier and apply it
In edit mode, I select the top edge loop and duplicate it – scaling it along the X- and Y-Axis
I scale the edge to add some faces
I select the face loop and extrude it up along the Z-Axis
I select the inner and outer edge rings and add a small bevel
In object mode, I shade the barrel smooth
I unhide the smaller cylinder and scale it along the Z-Axis
In edit mode, I inset the top face and extrude it down along the Z-Axis
I also add a bevel to the edges
I add two edge loops – one towards the top center and one toward the bottom center to keep the edges sharp
In object mode, I shade the cylinder smooth
I now repeat the process for the smaller hole toward the back of the barrel
UV Unwrapping
I split the viewport and open the UV mapping workspace
I select the horizontal edges and an edge down the back of the objects and mark the seam
I then unwrap the objects onto one UV map
I select the sides of the barrel and rotate them 90-degrees
I select all of the islands and use the pack islands option – making sure to deactivate the rotate option
Texture Prep
I make sure to apply all the transforms
I make sure all the faces are facing the correct way
Metal 026:
Metal 024:
Metal 002:
Poison Signs:
Leaks Texture:
Abstract Painting:
Gray Concrete:
I will be using Affinity Photo to make some changes to a couple of the textures but you can use whatever software you have access to
I start by cropping the signs to select the one I want to use
I then use the selection brush to select the white background
I use the Backspace to delete the background and then deselect the image
I open one of the grunge textures I’m using
In order to adjust the color, I go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels and change the selection to gray to achieve a black-and-white image
I also increase the black level
I export the image as a PNG
Back on the sign, I add this grunge texture to a new layer
Using the move tool, I can scale the texture
I drag the grunge texture onto the sign layer to make a clipping mask
I select the grunge layer and change the blending mode to linear burn and lower the opacity
I export the image as a PNG
I also make a normal map for this image – I already have a tutorial showing you how to do this
I split the viewport again and open the shader editor
I select the inner faces and bottom face of the plugs and assign a material to them
I select the rest of the barrel and add a new material
I select the central faces and add a third material
Texturing (Base)
I will be using the node wrangler add-on
I make sure I am in material preview mode
I reselect the main barrel texture and import the textures using CTRL + SHIFT + T
I increase the scale of the texture
To change the color, I add a hue-saturation-value node between the base color of the texture and the principled shader
Since I want a dark blue color I change the hue to 290, saturation to 83, and the value to 0.8
I drag in a grunge texture and add a mix color node
I connect the grunge texture to the b-input and the hue-saturation-value to the a-input
I change the factor of the mix color node to 1
I connect the mix color node to the base color of the principled shader
I connect the color of the grunge texture to the factor of the mix color node
I add a color ramp between the grunge texture and the factor of the mix color node
I change the blend mode of the mix color node to subtract
I can use the color stops on the color ramp to control the grunge texture
Texturing (Center)
I copy and paste the shader nodes from the barrel onto the center barrel material
I change the hue and saturation to zero and the value to 3
Texturing (Plugs)
I use CTRL + SHIFT + T to set up the textures for the plugs
I increase the scale of the mapping node
I add a hue-saturation-value node between the base color texture and the principled shader
I change the hue and saturation to 0 and the value to 0.25
I copy and paste the grunge setup from the base material into this material
I adjust the color stops on the color ramp
I add a color ramp between the roughness and the principled shader
I move the white color stop to make the metal rougher
Texturing (Warning)
I select the barrel center material and add a diffuse shader node
I drag-and-drop the decal into the shader editor and connect it to the diffuse shader node
I drag-and-drop the decal normal into the shader editor
I change the color space to non-color and connect it to the normal of the diffuse shader
I add a mix shader between the principled shader and the material output node
I connect the diffuse shader to the bottom input of the mix shader
I select the decal texture node and go into edit mode
In the data tab, I open the UV maps panel
I add a new UV map and rename it
I select the faces where I want the decal to appear
I then unwrap the selected faces
I select the UV islands and move them off to the side
I use CTRL + I to select the rest of the barrel
I select the islands and move them to the side
I reselect the faces where I want the decal
I move them back onto the UV map and scale them accordingly – overlapping the front and back faces
In the shader editor, I add a UV map node and open the default UV map
I add a mix color node between the mapping nodes and the texture nodes
I connect the UV map node to the mix color node
I add a second UV map node and open the decal UV map
I connect the UV map node to the decal texture node
I change the bounds of the decal texture to clip