This video shows how to make a screen replacement effect using Blender 4.2. You will learn how to make a screen replacement effect using footage in Blender. The final render was done in Blender.
I will be using a video I downloaded from Pexels
I open the motion tracking workspace under the VFX menu
I open my footage and under the render properties, under color management, I change the film look to standard
I also set my scene frames to match my video
I select prefetch to load my video first so it will run faster and smoother when I do the tracking
For the match, I will use keyframe and I activate normalize
Under the tracking settings, I change the correlation to 0.9
On frame 1, I hold down the CTRL key and draw a rectangle over the four corners of the laptop screen
I use the A-key to select all four corners and track the markers forward
I scrub through the footage to make sure the track is good
I select all the trackers on the laptop screen and open the solve panel
I twirl open plane track and create a plane track
I then move the corners of the plane track to the four corners of the laptop screen
I open the compositing workspace and activate use nodes
I can delete the render layers node
*I will also be using the node wrangler add-on
I import the movie clip using a movie clip node
I add an image node and open the image I will be using as a screen replacement
I add a mix color node and set the blending mode to screen
I connect the movie clip to the top image input and the image to the bottom image input
Using SHIFT + CTRL and clicking the mix node to see the footage and also add an output node
I add a plane track deform node to bring in the tracking information
I place this between the image and the mix node
I open the movie clip, camera, and the plane track
I also activate the motion blur
I connect the mix color node to the composite node
Under the output tab, I choose where I want the footage to be rendered
I change the file format to FFmpeg and the encoding to Quick Time
Under the render menu, I render the animation