Glass Material
I import my window – link to the 3D model I’m using is in the description
I make sure to use DirectX because I will be taking this into Unreal
I bake the Maps
Under the Shader Settings, I use the PBR-Metal-Rough-With-Alpha Blending – this will allow me use the Opacity Channel
I quickly add a wood material I made in a previous tutorial to the frame
I select the glass and add a Fill Layer – naming it “Glass”
Under the Texture Settings, I make sure I have the Opacity Channel
If this is missing, it can be added manually using the Channels dropdown menu
For the Fill Layer, I turn off all the channels except Opacity, Roughness, and Color
I lower the Opacity to around 0.3
I change the Color to a dark gray
I lower the Roughness to around 0.015
If I go to the Render View, I can now see that my glass is see-through
I add another Fill Layer and name it “Scratches”
I turn off all the Texture Channels except Opacity, Roughness, and Color
I add a Black Mask with a Fill
For the Grayscale, I will add a Grunge Map – I use the Grunge Scratches Rough
I will increase the Tiling to around 3
I then change the other Parameters as I see fit
I change the Color for the Scratches to a darker gray
I duplicate the scratches layer and rename it to “Smudges”
I change the Grayscale Grunge Map to a Smudge – I will use the Grunge Dusty Powder Soft
I decrease the Tiling and adjust the other Parameters
I change the Color and add a bit of brown to indicate a dirty surface [#6A645F]
I increase the Roughness to around 0.7
I add a new Fill Layer and name it “Dust”
I turn off all the Texture Channels except Opacity, Roughness, and Color
I search for a Dust Smart Mask and drag it onto the Layer – I will use the Dust Dirty
I lower the Global Balance and the Ambient Occlusion
I change the Color to a slightly lighter version of the Smudges Layer [#86807B]
I increase the Roughness to around 0.8
Smart Material
I add a Folder and rename it
I move all the Layers into the Folder
I right-click on the Folder and create a Smart Material
Importing into UE5
I export my textures for the model from Substance Painter
I will use the Unreal Engine 4 (Packed) for the Output Template
In Unreal Engine, I import my 3D model and my textures
I rename my wood material
I open the wood Material and drag in my textures
I connect the Base Color Texture to the Base Color input
I connect the Normal Texture to the Normal input
I connect the Red Channel to the Ambient Occlusion input
I connect the Green Channel to the Roughness input
I connect the Blue Channel to the Metallic input
I save the Material
I rename the glass material
I open the glass Material and drag in my textures
I connect the Base Color Texture to the Base Color input
I connect the Normal Texture to the Normal input
I connect the Red Channel to the Ambient Occlusion input
I connect the Green Channel to the Roughness input
I connect the Blue Channel to the Metallic input
I select the Material node and change the Blend Mode to Translucent
I connect the Alpha of the Base Color Texture to the Opacity input
Under the Translucency Section, I change the Lighting Mode to Surface Translucency Volume – this will allow me to access the Normal, Roughness, and Metallic channels
Under the Refraction Section, I change the Refraction Method to Index of Refraction
I add a Scalar Parameter by holding down the S-key and left-clicking
I name it IOR (for Index of Refraction) and give it a Value of 1.52 (which is the IOR for window glass)
I add a Constant by holding down the 1-key and left-clicking
I give this a value of 1.52
I add a Lerp node and connect the Constant into the A input and the IOR into the B input (Linear Interpolate)
I add a Fresnel node and connect it to the Alpha input
I connect the Lerp to the Refraction input
I save the Material