How to convert a grease pencil stroke to a mesh | Blender 3.2

Did you know that you can convert a grease pencil stroke into a mesh object?

In this Blender tutorial I will show you how to add a grease pencil stroke to a 3D object and then convert that stroke into a mesh object.

Grease Pencil to Mesh

I will start with a 3D object – in this case, a UV sphere

Using SHIFT + A, I add a blank grease pencil object

In draw mode, I set the stroke placement to “surface” so I can more easily draw on the surface of the UV sphere

I also reduce the offset which determines how far above the surface I will draw [0.05]

I can now draw my path

In object mode, I right-click and convert the stroke to a path

I hide the grease pencil object

I select the new path and using right-click, I convert the path to a mesh

In edit mode, I can use checker deselect under the select menu to select a certain number of vertices that I don’t want to delete

Then using CTRL + I, I invert the selection

I then right-click and choose “dissolve vertices” to dissolve the unwanted vertices

I then use the M-key to access the merge menu and choose “by distance” to remove any potential doubles

I can now merge and subdivide the vertices as needed – allowing me to more easily add faces

I can then extrude the faces to add some thickness

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