How to make 5 video transitions using the Holdout Modifier | Blender 3.6

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use the holdout shader to make five different video transitions for your project.

Camera Setup

Under the Animation workspace, I will use SHIFT + A to add a Text object

Enter top view with Numpad 7

Tab into Edit Mode

Use Backspace to erase the default text and type in your own text

Under the Object Data Properties tab, you can change the Font, Alignment, and Geometry of the text

In Object Mode, use R + X + 90 to rotate the text around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

Use Numpad 1 to go into Front View

Select the Camera and use ALT + G and ALT + R to clear the Location and Rotation

Use Numpad 3 to enter Right Side View

Use R + X + 90 to rotate the Camera around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

Open the Properties Panel using the N-key

Under the View tab, select Lock Camera to View

Close the Properties Panel using the N-key

Enter Camera View using Numpad Zero

Use G + Y to move the Camera along the Y-Axis

Use G + Z to move the Camera along the Z-Axis

Use the Z-key to enter Material Preview mode

Select the Text and open the Materials tab

Click on the New button and rename the material

Choose a color [#F09F70]

Change the Roughness and Metalness as desired

Use SHIFT + A to add a Plane for the background

Use R + X + 90 to rotate the Plane around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

Use Numpad 3 to go into Right Side view

Use G + Y to move the background along the Y-Axis so it is behind the Text

Back in Front View (Numpad 1), use the S-key to scale the Plane so it is a bit larger than the Camera area

Add a new material and rename it

Choose a color [#4C75E7]

Change the Roughness and Metalness as desired

Use the Z-key to enter Render mode

Use Shift + A to add an Area Light

Use R + X + 90 to rotate the light around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

In Right Side View (Numpad 3), use G + Y to move the light just in front of the Text

In Front View (Numpad 1), use G + Z to move the light up along the Z-Axis

Use the S-key to scale the light to the size of the Plane

In the Object Data Properties tab, increase the Power of the light

Turn off Shadows

Doorway Transition

The Holdout Modifier can be used to hide objects behind it in Blender

For the Doorway Transition, add a Plane – rotating it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

Scale it up so it fills the Camera area from top to bottom

Move the Plane to the left so the right-side edge is in the center of the Camera area

In Right Side View, move the Plane in front of the text and background but behind the light and camera – this will hide anything behind it but we don’t want it to hide the light or camera

Use SHIFT + D to duplicate the Plane and move it to the right

Under the Render Properties tab, in the Film panel, make sure you have “Transparent” activated

Under the Shading workspace, with the Plane selected, add a new material and rename it

Use SHIFT + A and under the Shader menu, add a Holdout Shader node

Delete the Principled Shader

Connect the Holdout Shader node to the Surface input of the Material Output node

Back in the Animation workspace you should now see the plane with the proper material applied

Select the other Plane and, using the dropdown menu, apply the same Material

In Object Mode, select the left Plane and use the I-key to add a Location keyframe on Frame 1

Repeat this process for the right Plane

Since we are working with 24 FPS, change the End Frame to 48 so you have a 2-second transition

On Frame 48, move the right Plane along the X-Axis so it is outside of the Camera View

Use the I-key to add a Location keyframe

Repeat this process for the left Plane

Play the Animation

Swipe Transition

The next transition will be a Swipe Transition

Hide the two Planes and add a new Plane – rotating it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

Scale the Plane so it is just a bit larger than the Camera View

In the Right Side View, move the Plane so it is between the Text and the Light

Under the Materials tab, use the dropdown menu to apply the Holdout Material to the plane

On Frame 1, use the I-key to add a keyframe for Location

On Frame 48, move the plane to the right along the X-Axis so it is out of view of the Camera

Use the I-key to add a keyframe for Location

Play the animation

Arc Transition

For the Arc Transition, add a Circle and rotate it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

In Edit Mode, select the Circle and use the F-key to add a face

In Object Mode, scale the Plane so it is just a bit larger than the Camera View

In the Right Side View, move the Plane so it is between the Text and the Light

Under the Materials tab, use the dropdown menu to apply the Holdout Material to the circle

On Frame 1, move the Circle below the Camera View

Use the I-key to add a keyframe for Location

On Frame 48, move the plane up along the Z-Axis to cover the Camera View

Use the I-key to add a keyframe for Location

Angled Swipe Transition

The next transition will be an Angled Swipe Transition

Add a Plane and rotate it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

Scale it so it is larger than the Camera View

Rotate the Plane around the Y-Axis by 45-degrees and scale it as needed

In the Right Side View, move the Plane so it is between the Text and the Light

Under the Materials tab, use the dropdown menu to apply the Holdout Material to the plane

Change the Transformation Orientation to “Normal”

*Scale the Plane to cover the Camera area

On Frame 1, use the I-key to add a keyframe for Location

On Frame 48, move the plane to the right along the Y-Axis so it is out of view of the Camera

Use the I-key to add a keyframe for Location

Play the animation

Change the Transformation Orientation back to “Global”

Circular Swipe Transition

The last transition we will work on is the Circular Swipe Transition

Add a Circle and rotate it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

In Edit Mode, select the Circle and use the F-key to add a face

In Object Mode, scale the Plane so it is just a bit larger than the Camera View

In the Right Side View, move the Plane so it is between the Text and the Light

Under the Materials tab, use the dropdown menu to apply the Holdout Material to the circle

On Frame 1, use the I-key to add a keyframe for Scale

On Frame 48, Scale the Circle to Zero

Use the I-key to add a keyframe for Scale

Play the Animation


If you want to render the transition with the background and Text, select the transition

Make sure that you turn off rendering for the other transition layers

Under the Output Properties tab, choose where you want to save the transition

Use the File Format of your choice (I generally use FFmpeg) and the Encoding option of your choice (I usually use QuickTime)

Under the Render Menu, choose “Render Animation”

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