How to make a cityscape with the Discombobulator add-on | Blender 4.0

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use the Discombobulator add-on to quickly make a cityscape in Blender for your project.


The Discombobulator add-on comes with Blender

You can activate it by going to the Edit menu and opening up Preferences

Under the Add-on panel, search for Discombobulator and activate it

The Discombobulator add-on creates a greeble object based on selected faces – that is, it adds extra detail to a base mesh

I delete the default Cube and use SHIFT + A to add a Plane

I use NumPad 7 to go into Top view

I TAB into Edit Mode

I right-click on the Plane and Subdivide it by 20 cuts

I use 3 to go into Face Select Mode

I use the LMB and SHIFT to randomly select faces I want to turn into buildings

Once all of the faces are selected, I can use SHIFT + A to add the Discombobulator

I can set the Minimum and Maximum Height for my extrusions – this will give me some randomness in height based on these specified parameters

I will leave these options at their default values

I also have the ability to set a Minimum and Maximum Taper for the extrusions – this will give me some randomness in taper (or pointiness) based on these specified parameters

I will set my Maximum Taper to 0.2

The four checkboxes are options to determine the number of subdivisions of the faces or the protrusions of the faces – you can select none, all, or multiple options

I will leave all four options checked

The Repeat Protrusions button will give me the option of allowing extra levels of protrusions built on top of the first set of protrusions

I will change this to 2

This is a nondestructive workflow so I can make changes to the Discombobulator

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