This video shows how to make sparks using Unreal Engine 5.4. You will learn how to make a sparks effects in Unreal Engine 5. The final render was done in Unreal Engine.
Niagara Project
I right-click in the content drawer and make a folder for my project
I right-click in the new folder and open up Niagara system
I then choose a new Niagara system with an empty template
Particle Shape
I open up the Niagara project
I don’t want the HDRI to show in the preview window
Under the window menu, I open the preview scene settings
I disable show environment and I change the environment color to black
Under the emitter update section, I add a spawn burst instantaneous
I change the spawn count to 125
I select the initialize particle and under the sprite attributes, I change the sprite size mode to non-uniform
I can now change the size to 2 along the X-Axis
Particle Velocity
Under the particle spawn, I add a velocity option
I click on fix issue to remove the errors
For the velocity, I use the dropdown menu (arrow) to choose a random range vector
I then increase the minimum momentum of the axes
I then change the maximum momentum of the axes
I select the sprite renderer and change the alignment to velocity aligned
Particle Lifetime
I select the initialize particle and change the lifetime mode to random
I also change the minimum and maximum lifetime
Particle Drag and Gravity
I select the particle update and search for drag
I also add a gravity force
Particle Color
I select the particle update and search for color
I can now change the color using either the RGBA option or choose from the color wheel
Using the dropdown menu (arrow) of the scale color, I add a vector from float
For the value, I also add a float from curve
These two values will intensify the color
I right-click and add a key
Particle Scale
I select the particle update and add a scale sprite size
For the size mode, I select non-uniform curve
I select the Y value and select the first key and change the key data to 0 and 1
I select the second key and change the key data to 1 and 0
I right-click on the first key and choose user – this gives me a more gradual falloff
I select the properties of the empty and change to GPU
I activate fixed bounds and local space
Final Touches
I select the system state and reduce the loop duration
I select the particle update and search for collision
I also add a curl noise force – increasing the noise strength and reducing the noise frequency
I also activate pan noise field
I can now save and drag the particle system into the scene
I reduce the directional light value to make the scene darker