In this tutorial I will show you how to use Blender to make a tank track animation.
Getting Started
I will be using a tank model I made for my 100 subscriber giveaway
Animation Setup
I will move the tank objects up along the Z-Axis
I add an empty to the scene to act as the controller for the animation
I select the two Bezier curves and then the empty
Using CTRL + P I parent the curves to the object
If I now move the empty, the track will follow
I select the body of the tank and then select the empty
Using CTRL + P I parent the body to the object
If I now move the empty, the entire tank will follow
I open the timeline and under the output properties tab, I change the frame rate to 30 FPS
With the empty selected, on frame 1, I use the I-key to add a keyframe for location
On frame 60, I then move the tank forward
I add a second keyframe for location
I change the end frame to 60
I add a plane and scale it up to act as the ground – giving it a simple material
Under the properties inspector (N-key), under the view tab, I activate “lock camera to view”
Using numpad zero, I look through the camera and make any adjustments as needed
I add a sunlight and increase the strength
Under the render properties tab, I will change the render engine to Eevee
Under the output properties tab, I select where I want the animation to be saved
I will be using the ffmpeg video format with the QuickTime encoding option
I then choose render animation under the render menu