In this tutorial I will show you how to make your own leather material in Substance Painter for your project.
I begin by adding a Fill Layer and renaming it to Base
I change the color to a dark red [#541B1B]
I turn off all the channels except color and roughness
I change the roughness to 0.5 so I have a less shiny, older looking base
I add a second Fill layer and rename it to Leather Height
I change the color to a darker red [#361111]
I change the roughness to 0.5
I turn off all the channels except Color, Height, Roughness, and Normals
I right-click on the Fill Layer and add a Black Mask
I right-click on the Black Mask and add a Fill
I search for the Clouds 3 texture and apply it to the Black Mask Fill Layer
I can then change the Balance and Contrast
I go back to the Fill Layer and adjust the Height
I add a new Fill Layer and rename it to Leather Variation
I change the color to a lighter red [#681E1E]
I turn off all the channels except Color, Height, Roughness, and Normals
I right-click and add a Black Mask
I right-click on the Black Mask and add a Fill
I search for the texture Grunge Concrete Moss Medium and apply it to the Black Mask Fill Layer
I then adjust the Balance and Contrast
I right-click on the Black Mask and add a Filter
I then apply the Clamp Generator and adjust the Min-Max options
I go back to the Fill Layer and adjust the Height and Roughness
I use CTRL + D to duplicate the Leather Variation Fill Layer
I rename the layer to Leather Variation 2
I change the color to a lighter red [#A55656]
I change the Fill Layer texture to Clouds 1
I open the Clamp Filter and change the Min and Max options
I add a folder and rename it
I move the layers into the new folder
I can now right-click on the folder and create a smart material