How to model and texture a rose window | Blender 3.4

In this tutorial I will show you how to model and texture a rose window in Blender.

Modeling (Stone Casing)

I have provided a very simple reference that I made

I will bring in the reference image and begin by making the stone casing

I begin by adding a circle and rotating it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

I then scale it to the size of the outer part of the casing

I then use CTRL + A to apply the rotation and scale

In edit mode, I use the E + S keys to add the thickness to the circle

I then extrude the casing back along the Y-Axis

Under the overlays menu, I check the face orientation

I select the outer edge loops and one edge along the bottom

I right-click and mark the seams

I duplicate the casing and scale it to the proper size for the inner part of the casing

I then scale it along the Y-Axis

I then select both parts of the casing and using the U-key, I unwrap the casing

In object mode, I add a bevel modifier

I also add a subdivision surface modifier with 1-level of detail

I right-click and choose “shade auto smooth”

Modeling (Metalwork (Exterior))

I will be using a circle to begin the metalworks

I add a circle and rotate it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

I then move it into position and scale it – apply the rotation and scale

In edit mode, I make three copies and move them into position

I then select and delete the interior vertices that are not needed

I then use the M-key and merge by distance so I can remove any doubles if needed

I then use the F-key to close any gaps in the mesh

I then use the E + S keys to add thickness to the metalwork

I then extrude the faces back along the Y-Axis

I select the outer edge loops and one edge along the bottom

I right-click and mark the seams

I add a plane and rotate it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

I move and scale it to the proper size

I then extrude it along the Y-Axis

I select the top side edges and the vertical side edges along with the bottom edge along the back of the plane

I right-click and mark the seams

I then duplicate the plane and scale it to the proper size of the rest of the metalwork

I then extrude it down along the Z-Axis

I then select all the objects and using the U-key, I unwrap the metalworks

In object mode, I add a bevel modifier

I also add a subdivision surface modifier with 1-level of detail

I right-click and choose “shade auto smooth”

I right-click and set the origin to the 3d cursor

In edit mode, I select the spin duplicates tool and change the Axis to the Y-Axis

I then use the spin duplicates tool to begin adding more objects

Under the popover menu, I will use 14 steps with a 360-degree angle

In object mode, I scale the metal works to properly fit in the interior casing

Modeling (Metalwork (Interior))

I will be using a circle to model the interior metal works

I add a circle and rotate it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

I then move it into position and scale it – apply the rotation and scale

In edit mode, I delete the bottom-half of the vertices

I then select the bottom two vertices and use the F-key to join them

I then use the E + S keys to add thickness to the metalwork

I then extrude the faces back along the Y-Axis

In object mode, I select the exterior metal works

In edit mode, I select the bottom part of the metal works and duplicate it – separating it using the P-key

I then join it to the interior metal works

In edit mode, I move the duplicated faces into place

I select the inner and outer edge loops and the bottom edges on the inside and outside

I right-click and mark the seams

I then select all the objects and using the U-key, I unwrap the metal works

In object mode, I add a bevel modifier

I also add a subdivision surface modifier with 1-level of detail

I right-click and choose “shade auto smooth”

I right-click and set the origin to the 3d cursor

In edit mode, I select the spin duplicates tool and change the Axis to the Y-Axis

I then use the spin duplicates tool to begin adding more objects

Under the popover menu, I will use 14 steps with a 360-degree angle

In object mode, I add a circle and rotate it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

I move and scale it to fit inside the interior metal works

I apply the rotation and scale

In edit mode, I add a face and extrude it back along the Y-Axis

I select the front and back edges and one edge along the bottom and mark the seams

I then select the object and unwrap it

I move and scale all the metal works so they fit inside the interior casing

Modeling (Glass)

I will use a circle for the glass

I add a circle and rotate it around the X-Axis by 90-degrees

I then move and scale it to fill in the interior of the casing – applying the rotation and scale

I select the circle and unwrap it

I select everything and make sure the normals are all facing the correct direction

If anything is red, I select the objects and in edit mode, I use ALT + N to recalculate the outside

I also extrude the glass along the Y-Axis

Materials (Glass)

I will show you how to make the glass material in both Cycles and Eevee

I switch to the Cycles render engine and add a new material to the glass

I change the transmission option to 1 and the roughness to zero

I also change the base color to a pure white

For the Eevee render engine, under the render properties tab, I activate screen space reflections and refraction

Under the materials tab, I activate screen space refraction

I also change the blend mode to alpha hashed

I change the transmission option to 1 and the roughness to zero

I also change the base color to a pure white

I add a transparent shader and mix it together with the principled shader using a mix shader node

Materials (Metal)

I will show you how to make the metal material

I select the exterior metalwork and add a new material

I add a noise texture and a Voronoi texture node

I then mix them together with a mix shader

I plug the mix shader into the principled shader

I then add a color ramp between the mix shader and the principled shader

I change the white color stop to a dark gray

I move the color stops and change the texture nodes as needed

I duplicate the Voronoi texture and color ramp

I reduce the scale of the Voronoi texture and reset the color ramp

I add a bump node and connect the color ramp to the height of the bump node

I connect the bump node to the normal of the principled shader

I select the other metallic objects and then SHIFT-select the outer metal works

I use CTRL + L and link the materials

Materials (Stone)

I will show you how to make the stone materials

I select the casing and add a new material

I add a Musgrave and Voronoi texture nodes

I mix them together with a mix shader

I plug the mix shader into the principled shader

I then add a color ramp between the mix shader and the principled shader

I select the Musgrave texture and with the node wrangle add-on enabled, I use CTRL + T to add a texture coordinate and mapping node

I also connect the mapping node to the Voronoi texture

I change the scale and detail of the Musgrave texture and the scale of the Voronoi texture

I move the white color stop until it is touching the black color stop

I add a bump node and connect the mix shader to the height of the bump node

I connect the bump node to the normal of the principled shader and lower the strength

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