How to use height maps to make landscapes | Blender 3.0

In this Blender tutorial I will show you how to use height maps to make landscapes in Blender.

Height Map

We will be using data from Open Topography for our height map

Click on “All Datasets” and choose “Global & Regional”

What we are looking for is Shuttle Radar Topography Mission – these are NASA images

Click on the button to the right and you will be taken to the proper page

Choose an area on the map

Click on “Select a Region” and draw out a box around your area on the map

For the output format – change this to image

Check “Generate Additional Color” for visualization

Give your job description a title and enter your email address

Click on “Submit”

When the maps are generated – open each image and save


We will be using a plane to produce our terrain in Blender

We need to scale and subdivide the plane so we have enough geometry to work with [5, 200]

Under the modifiers tab, we need to add a displace modifier with a new texture

Under the texture tab, open the grayscale height map that you downloaded

Change the strength of the modifier [0.2]

You can also continue to subdivide the plane and also shade it smooth


For the materials, add an image texture node and open the diffuse map that you downloaded

Connect the image texture node  to the base color of the principled shader

Height Map (Photoshop)

You can of course make your own height maps

I will show you how to do this in both Photoshop and GIMP

I will start with Photoshop

Make a new document – I will be using a 2K image

Fill the background layer with a mid-tone gray – this will be the flat areas of the height map [#959595]

On a new layer, run the clouds filter – this will be our peaks [render]

Change the blend mode to lighten – the white of the height map will produce the height for the terrain

For the valleys, duplicate the peaks layer and rename it

Change the blend mode to multiply

If I wanted to make a riverbed for example, I can choose the brush and use a dark gray color to draw the riverbed onto the heightmap

Once you are satisfied with the result, export the map

Back in Blender – follow the same steps as before

Height Map (GIMP)

This same procedure can be done in GIMP

Make a new document – I will be using a 2K image

Fill the background layer with a mid-tone gray – this will be the flat areas of the height map [#959595]

On a new layer, change the color to black and run the clouds filter – this will be our peaks [render – noise]

Change the blend mode to lighten – the white of the height map will produce the height for the terrain

For the valleys, duplicate the peaks layer and rename it

Change the blend mode to multiply

If I wanted to make a riverbed for example, I can choose the brush and use a dark gray color to draw the riverbed onto the heightmap and change the blend mode to multiply

Once you are satisfied with the result, export the map

Back in Blender – follow the same steps as before

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