How to use multiple materials on one object | Unreal Engine 5

This tutorial shows how to multiple materials on one object in Unreal Engine. You will learn how to modify one 3D object by adding multiple materials in Unreal Engine 5.4. The final render was done in Unreal Engine.

Creating materials

I will be using a door prop that I downloaded from FAB

As you can see, there is only one texture slot for this prop

The first thing I need to do is make the materials I will use on the prop

If you are unsure how to make materials in Unreal – I already made a complete tutorial

Adding materials

Now that I have the materials made, I can easily add them to specific parts of the prop

To do this, I open the modeling mode and under the attribute panel, I choose edit materials

I can now hold down the left mouse button and select the individual faces that I want to add a new material to

I can use SHIFT-left click to deselect faces

Now that I have the proper faces selected, under the materials panel, I add a new material slot

I can then drag-and-drop my material into this slot from the content drawer

I then change the active material to this newly added material

Once I click on “assign active material” I see that the material on the prop has changed

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