How to use the volume scatter shader | Blender 4.3 [Eevee]

This tutorial shows how to work with the volume scatter shader in Blender 4.3. You will learn how to use the volume scatter shader to add fog to a volume for lighting a scene in Blender 4.3.

Set up

The Volume Scatter node allows light to be scattered as it passes through the volume

In Render Mode, I add a cube to my scene that is large enough to enclose the other objects


I select the Cube and open the Shader Editor

I make a new material and delete the Principled BSDF Shader

I add a Volume Scatter node and connect it to the Volume of the Material Output

I can use the Density to control how thick the fog is within the Volume

If I increase the Anistropy, I can change the falloff of the lights

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