Making a glass material in Unreal Engine | Getting Started in Unreal Engine 5.3.

In part nine of this tutorial series, I will show you how to quickly make your own glass material in UE5.


Under the Edit Menu, open Project Settings

Search for Default RHI and choose DirectX 12

Activate Support Hardware Ray Tracing

You also need to activate Use Hardware Ray Tracing when Available

Then restart Unreal

Master Material

You can download the window model from Sketchfab

Start by making a Master Material which will allows you to make and use a material template with selected parameters

In the Content Drawer, right-click and choose Material from the menu

Rename the Material

You need to double-click on the Material to open it

In the Details panel, change the Blend Mode to Translucent so the material will be see-through

You also need to activate Two Sides so you can make this a two-sided material

For the Lighting Mode, select Surface Forward Shading – this means that you can get specular highlights from various lights and image-based reflections

Right-click on Base Color and choose Promote to Parameter – this will allow you to control the Base Color

Repeat this process for Specular, Roughness, and Opacity

In the Details Panel, search for Refraction and choose Index of Refraction

Right-click on Refraction and choose Promote to Parameter

You need to select the Specular Parameter and in the Details panel, change the Default Value and Slider Max to 1 – these Specular Parameters control the magnitude of the effects with the Slide Max forcing the Specular Parameter to remain within a specific range

Select the Roughness Parameter and in the Details panel change the Slider Max to 1

Select the Opacity Parameter and in the Details panel change the Default Value to 0.1 and the Slider Max to 1

Select the Refraction Parameter and in the Details panel change the Default Value to 1 and the Slider Max to 3

Save it and close it

Glass Material

Now you can make the actual glass material

There is already a glass material that came with the model which you can delete

In the Content Drawer, right-click and under the Material menu, choose Create Material Instance from the menu

You can rename this Material

Double-click on this new Material to open it

Select the Parent Material – which is the Master Material you just made

Refraction will change the curvature (or wave) of the glass – this can be used to make smoother or wavier glass

Select your Refraction

Save the Material Instance

Drag the Material Instance onto the glass

Under the Add To menu, under Visual Effects, add a Post Process Volume

In the Details panel, search for Unbound and activate it

Search for Translucency and active Type, and change it to Ray Tracing

Also activate everything under Ray Tracing Translucency

Change the Parameters to achieve your desired look

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